
Fotografía de la experta Alicia Ropero Haro

Alicia Ropero Haro

Hotelbeds group

Nivel de responsabilidad
Mando intermedio

Java8, Springboot, Maven, Microservices

Área de especialización
Cloud computing

Breve descripción profesional

Computer technical engineer with more than 10 years of experience in Java EE application development. (microservices, springboot, maven, git, jenkins, elasticsearch, kibana, IntelliJ)

✓ Organizer of Women Techmakers Mallorca (Google is partnering with Women Techmakers to launch a series of global events geared towards increasing visibility, community, and resources for technical women in our industry. WTM Mallorca is part of GDG Mallorca chapter). (

✓ Speaker in Commit Conf 2018:

✓ Always trying to be in the path of a software craftswoman.

► Nowadays Engineer Team Lead in Hotelbeds group.

Años de experiencia

Más de 10 años

Vinculación con Andalucía


Ámbitos en los que le gustaría participar como experta

Como miembro de comités y jurados