
Noelia Cáceres Sánchez
Profesora de Informática. Investigadora postdoctoral
Nivel de responsabilidad
Transporte inteligente, Análisis de tráfico, Movilidad, Analítica de datos, Programación, Innovación
Área de especialización
Big data y analítica de datos, Inteligencia artificial, machine learning, deep learning, Transporte inteligente
Breve descripción profesional
Ph.D. Telecommunication engineer with more than 10 years of professional experience in research and innovation projects.
In 2004, she started as a researcher at the Transportation Engineering Unit at AICIA, a center of innovation and technology linked to the School of Engineering in Seville. In 2010, She presented her PhD thesis regarding the use of mobile technology for mobility matrix estimation, being one of the first works in this field. Based on this work, she received the Prize for the best innovation project in the field of research for the innovation and development in Mobile Communications, granted by the Vodafone Spain Foundation. In 2015, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness granted her with a Torres Quevedo postdoctoral 3-year contract to explore the use of machine learning techniques for inferring mobility parameters from heterogeneous data sources.
During her professional background, I have been involved in +10 research projects in the transportation field, including two EU-funded projects (FP7 ACEM-Rail and H2020 INFRALERT). Her expertise is mainly focused on traffic analysis and the use of digital traces, such as mobile phone data, to facilitate transportation modeling, but she has also other multi-disciplinary research interests, including pattern recognition, predictive models, simulation or data analysis. Seh has several scientific publications in high impact journals (+200 citations in Scopus), and more than 30 contributions in national and international conferences. Apart from research, she has contributed to the entire lifecycle in many projects, from the definition, preparation and submission of the proposal to the contract management, execution and reporting phase (e.g. deliverables and financial reports).
Since September 2018, she works teaching computer science and programming at secondary education and professional training schools, sharing her knowledge and experience in computational thinking and raising young students' interest in IT.
Años de experiencia
Más de 15 años
Vinculación con Andalucía
Ámbitos en los que le gustaría participar como experta
Como asesora en cuestiones relativas a sus áres de especialización, Como miembro de comités y jurados
Espacios digitales. Comunicación